A love letter of celebration ...
Dear Reader
As we are coming to the end of the year I thought I’d write a letter to remind you to take a pause and to celebrate yourself for what you achieved this year.
Go on take a moment and think of something no matter what it is.
This is your reminder ….
You are doing the best you can, even if it’s felt this year has been tough, we don’t give ourselves enough credit for the good things we do. When we remind ourselves this it allows us to stop beating ourselves up if we think we haven’t been doing enough.
Where you are is perfect, even if it’s not as far ahead as you wanted, you will get there, I know it takes courage to trust this, but you’ve got this.
Remember every baby step is a way forward, keep taking those those steps we don’t need to see the whole path in front of you to get where you want to be. You will get there, and you don’t need to control the journey invite surrender and ease in to support you along the way.
Remember we are all in different seasons, honour where you and celebrate that, there is no more value in the years we expand to the years we contract. There is beauty in every season and cycle, it’s simply reminding ourselves that.
There’s a saying that the darkest part of the night is before dawn begins to break.
You are worthy and enough without big achievements, airs and graces, your worth is not dependant on this. When you stop tying your worth and enough-ness to things and achievements you change your life because you realise you are enough right now and worthy right where you are. When you reclaim this you empower yourself to become fully you, and to show up authentically as you.
The fact you're reading this now is enough to celebrate, you're showing up to a reminder which allows you to remember and celebrate.
I invite you to celebrate yourself and express gratitude for yourself for even the smallest thing and to feel that fully in your body mind and soul.
Remember that life isn’t black and white but multicoloured and dimensional with all its twists and turns, it’s more than ok to not always know the solutions and answers. There are times in life we won’t know and thats ok, and what’s more important is how kind we are to ourselves when we don’t know that.
I also want to remind, you are worthy of all your dreams, desires and manifestations no matter how big they are. You are capable and able to do this, no dream is too bold hold this in your heart.
Moving forward I invite you to be kinder to be yourself and to remember to fill your cup up. You can’t operate properly and show up fully from an empty cup, it just isn’t sustainable , when you let yourself lead from this space and inspire those around you to do this too.
How can you be more compassionate to yourself and others?
Ask yourself regularly “how can I support myself more?”.
Sit down with yourself and having gratitude for yourself this past year and take that forward daily.
Remember its sustainable steps that can build into great things, begin now and start that celebration of you.
Do reach out and share with me what you’re celebrating and let’s share the joy of this together.
Pass this message of celebration on and share this post with anyone who may need this reminder to celebrate themselves.
All my love
Hannah X