Episode 131 - Finding Grace with Simon Alexander Ong
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In this episode of finding grace I’m joined by Simon Alexander Ong who is the author of “Energize”, a personal development entrepreneur, coach and public speaker.
His work has seen him invited onto Sky News, BBC Radio London and LBC Radio to be interviewed, while in 2018, Barclays UK featured him in a nationwide campaign asking him questions on how families could embrace better lifestyle habits. His insights has also seen him featured in HuffPost, Forbes, Virgin and The Guardian.
Simon regularly speaks at organisations and keynotes public events and conferences. Some of these have included The Peter Jones Foundation, The World Business & Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) and the LSE.
I connected with Simon online and can’t wait to share him on here today.
In this episode:
Simon shares what finding grace means to him and how it relates to his life.
He shares his story of what led him to this work and where he is today.
We discuss his book and what led him to write it.
He shares ways to energise your life.
We talk about change being scary and how taking the leap needs courage.
We discuss re wiring negative thought patterns and how to shift ourselves.
He shares the importance of how we respond to things especially when they are challenging and how to navigate this.
We discuss why it’s important to set yourself up with healthy habits to help you move towards the things you want.
We talk about the importance of being in alignment with what you love energises you, and what to do if you’re finding your way there.
We discuss the tools supporting him right now.
He shares why rest is important all part of the process of energising ourselves.
We talk about comparison and how to navigate this and to see things differently.
We discuss the balance of adding value to others life but also how to add value to ourselves as well.
He shares about how often the things we fail at often lead us to where we need to be and why shifting our relationship with failure can really help us.
He shares what’s bringing him joy right now.
Simon shares all this and more in this fantastic conversation, I hope you enjoy.
Do reach out to me to continue this conversation.
If you want to work with Simon, read the book and find out what he is up to:
Instagram @simonalexandero
Linked in “Simon Alexander Ong”
Get the book here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Energize-Find-Spark-Achieve-Better/dp/0241502756
You can find me at :
Instagram @thehannahwallace
Twitter @hannahwallace_
Face book @thehannahwallace
Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.
Meet Simon
- Keynote speaker
- Author of “Energise”
I highly recommend following Simon, learning from him and reading his book.
He shares effective ways to get your life into alignment, create healthy habits, navigate things such as change and comparison. But done in ways thats easily digest-able and effective.