Episode 130 - Finding Grace with Lisa Lister
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In this episode of finding grace I am joined by the magical Lisa lister who is the author of five amazing books “Witch”, Code red”, “Love your lady landscape”, “Presence” and the latest book “Self Source-ery” all of which I love and thoroughly recommend
Lisa supports women, their voices and their experiences by sharing rhythmic intel and cyclic tools to help navigate these exciting times.
She’s also the creator of the new amazing “sassy she oracle deck”
She brings you back to yourself and helps you activate your she power, take up space and reclaim your presence.
Lisa and I met through a mutual friend, I love Lisa and her work, and I know personally through learning to reconnect to my menstrual cycle it has helped me immensely.
In this episode:
Lisa shares where she’s at with finding grace now and what it means to her.
Lisa share’s some of her story.
We talk about her book self source-ery and how it was the lead on to witch.
We talk about being fully sourced and what that means.
We discuss women being the fullest expression of themselves and a full spectrum life.
We talk about how everyone has their own siren song, and the importance of finding your song.
She shares about the importance of deep self trust and why this vital and then we can self source that way.
We discuss why its important to find your pathway and there’s no right way and to remember your magic.
She shares all about her new deck, where she did the writing and the art work.
We discuss how the deck connects to what’s in the waters of your body and the expression of your truest self.
We talk all things sirens and what this means.
We talk about not putting yourself in a box, and breaking out beyond that.
We discuss bringing more pleasure in your life and what satiates you, and what your desires are and why you’re more useful when you do this.
She shares what’s bringing her joy right now, and the importance of finding joy in the little things.
She shares why we must let life be the ceremony and why that this is important.
We discuss what’s supporting her right now.
She share’s all this and more. I loved this conversation so much I hope you did as much as we did recording it.
Do reach out to me to continue this conversation.
If you want to work with Lisa and get hold of her books and decks you can find them:
Instagram @sassylisalister
Get the books here https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=lisa+lister+books&crid=2JLE2LBJJB6RF&sprefix=lisa+li%2Caps%2C101&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_5_7
You can find me:
Instagram @thehanahwallace
Twitter @hannahwallace_
Facebook @thehannahwallace
Thank you for listening if you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.
Meet Lisa
- Modern medicine women
- Author of 5 books
- Deck creator
- Host of the “She power collective”
- Artist
Lisa is the someone that truly shows up as herself and creates from this place too.
She’s here to remind you of your power and how to reclaim it in a way that feels good for you.
She doesn’t gloss over things and shares from a place of truth. She guides you through her words and art, to reclaim your “she power”.
I highly recommend checking out Lisa and what she has to offer.