Twelve ways to boost your winter ...
Here in the northern hemisphere it’s mid winter and January as I write this. In between the odd cold crisp sunny days where believe me it's glorious, much of the time its grey, cold, damp and wet at times. Basically a bit murky and the truth is people tend to feel a bit bleugh after the high of the previous season, of course I recognise this isn’t everyone if your loving life this is to be celebrated to.
Let’s be honest nature is in hibernation so even she isn’t feeling it!
Whatever you're feeling, there’s always things we can do to boost ourselves and shift where we are at even if we are feeling good. We can never have enough good feelings getting us in the direction we want to be and the energy we are putting out there.
Here’s twelve small things I love to do to boost my winter, these are simple things but if you build on them and you do feel that boost:
Get outside even when you don’t feel like it, especially on those sunny days, wrap up and feel that warmth on your face. I love sitting on the step in my yard with a coffee even if I'm not up to going further. Nature magic never fails us, so get outside.
Buy yourself flowers, or a plant and they can be inexpensive too, there’s nothing better than bringing this inside to your home and its a feel good for yourself when you look at them. Of course if flowers aren’t your thing find something that is!
Make a memory jar, honestly I love doing this and its magical to reflect back on too and it reminds you that you have done things when you’re feeling like you haven’t. You won’t regret doing it and this is something that can be done with children to and its something that’s easy and promotes good feeling.
Make a date with a friend, I mean of course we should do this throughout the year but you know when we end up hermiting in and we get lazy at the idea of making effort or end up in that “can’t be bothered” mindset. Sometimes making that effort and seeing a friend gives us just the boost we need.
Dress up one day even if you're not going anywhere. Why? because it's a way to change your state and if you are going out put something on that feels good, you’ll thank yourself for it.
Have a dance party or sing song, put on your favourite tunes and feel all those feelings, let those endorphins surge through you. Getting active whatever your ability this can benefit us all and our wellbeing.
Organise or rearrange something in your space, our space has an impact on us when we are living in it. It can really make a difference to our wellbeing and our mental health, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming either. Let’s say you organise that one draw that needs sorting, you will that satisfaction after. Even changing up the space with a new picture or a blanket for instance can makes a difference, these little things can bring additional joy.
Have a clear out, this can really create space and lose some weight or heaviness in our lives, much of the time we aren’t even aware of it either till we’ve done it.
Read a good book if thats your thing of course, or take a bath or in my case a foot bath but taking some time out for you doing something like this even if its a small amount of time, on a regular basis creates good feeling rhythms and routines, and helps change the path ways in our brains. We all have different things that do it for us, and make sure they’re the ones that soothe your nervous systems.
Make and create your own rituals, the power of ritual is transformative even mini ones. You can make a ritual out of anything even down to how you make your tea or coffee. Doing this creates a magical point and place for bringing in good things. It promotes positive set points and creates good foundations, I love making ritual foot baths but I also love taking a few moments in my yard with a drink to really connect how I feel. The magic of ritual done regularly will enhance your life, I love it, and it even encourages good feeling for the people around you.
Make positive lists for the year ahead, as well as any goals or intentions you may have. A happy list is a great thing to do, it gives you things to look forward too and the great thing is you design it to work for you.
Get some laughter in your life, you may be thinking that sounds simplistic but laughter is good for your whole wellbeing even your immune system. Bring some fun into your daily life, we can end up going through the days and realising we haven’t been laughing or having any fun at all. Of course sometimes life happens and isn’t fun, but wherever you’re at even small amounts make a difference.
Now of course I could go on and theres so much in we can do etc, but keeping things simple I find make us more lightly to get on board with and therefore makes things sustainable.
Look after yourself and make that commitment because everything begins with us.
Lastly make those small steps towards the things you want, small steps and increments build up over time and create positive neural pathways and feelings. When we truly stay in our own lane with this, it leads us towards the things we want.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this and I’d love you to share with me what ways help you and if you do any of the above.
All my love
Hannah X
Ps Meditation is something 365 days of the year that can help us sign up to my newsletter for weekly joy drops and get a free one.