The reminders we all need to read ...
Dear reader,
A blog post with a difference!
Enjoy these love messages.
Let these points below serve as the reminder we all need at times. Breathe in and read this magical list.
You are enough, no matter what is indicating you’re not.
It’s ok to be different.
The power is in the present moment.
That its ok to have a full range of emotions to feel and sometimes you feel angry and sometimes sad and all the other ones and this is all ok.
Comparison is the thief of all joy. It doesn’t serve anyone.
No one is perfect!!!! Read that again…..
Success looks different for everyone and thats whats awesome about it.
Happiness looks different for everyone.
We all have different dreams and visions.
Not everyone will like you and thats ok.
Peace of mind is powerful.
Listen to your body, understand our bodies give us so many subtle messages.
You don’t need to be perfect for another person.
You aren’t too much and there’s nothing wrong with this.
Reclaiming your self worth and respecting yourself will change your life.
You can have lots of money and still be a lovely person.
You can little money and still be happy.
Ageing is a privilege.
Choose how you want to look.
Be who you want to be.
Your sexuality is your business.
The size of an aspiration doesn’t matter to anyone but yourself.
There’s enough room for everyone.
Let yourself decide what cool is to you.
Sometimes you won’t cope and that’s ok.
Sometimes methods or process’s won’t always work you just need to sit with it.
You can be spiritual and still get angry.
Sometimes there isn’t a right thing to say to someone.
You don’t have to always carry the past into your future.
It’s ok to make mistakes and screw up, you don’t have to let it define you.
You can rewrite your story, multiple times and anytime
Healing isn’t linear.
You won’t always get it right and thats ok.
Your perspective will change on things as you evolve.
What works for one person, won’t always work for someone else it doesn’t mean theres something wrong with them.
Not everyone will be happy for you.
Failure happens to us all at times and thats ok, you can always try again.
Your tastes will change.
We are cyclic by nature, and can find ourselves in different seasons and this is a good thing.
You can change your mind.
What’s sexy to one person may not be to another.
People can surprise us in good and bad ways.
Grief is a process and theres no right way through it, its doing what works for you.
Nature is healing.
Gratitude is powerful.
People you love may makes mistakes.
Being hard on yourself on harms you.
Asking for help is a good thing.
Your intuition is a super power. Trust your gut!!!
Time is relative and we will have many different relationships with it.
Your mental health matters.
Crying can be healing.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re broken or need fixing.
Miracles can happen they just look different for everyone.
It’s good to have dreams even if people tell you they are unrealistic.
Being unique is a good thing.
Tell people you love them.
Make feeling safe in your body a priority.
We all have different perceptions.
Say sorry. Forgiveness is healing.
Sometimes we have to give people or something a chance.
Doing things to help yourself pay off in the long term.
People can change and having faith in this powerful.
Music is healing.
Move your body in the way that works for you.
Life can seem unfair and unjust at times and this is something we have to navigate through the human experience. It can also be magnificent remember that too.
You deserve success and all the good things.
Takes these things in, laminate them share this with anyone who may need it.
You're perfect just as you are in this moment.
No matter how it feels or seems for you right now, claim this.
Take your power back.
Celebrate yourself where you are at right now, even if it’s the smallest thing. (I’m celebrating you reading this)
Hope you enjoyed this magical list!
Theres always more that can be added to create a list for yourself or extra ones with this.
All my love
Hannah X