The Progress Squiggle


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Sometimes, we look at our lives and feel like not much has happened or that we haven't made much progress. The truth is, life is always moving, and we are progressing, even if it feels like we're stuck or moving sideways. We might feel frozen inside, trapped in our bodies, nervous system, or past traumas, making it hard to see the small positives and recognise how far we've come. Surrounded by mixed messages to constantly achieve and keep up, many of us feel pressure and burnout.

The reality is that we are all moving in some way. To see our progress, we need to stop, pause, and take intentional moments to reflect. As we transition into a new season, even if we've only made one small achievement in the last season, that's still progress. It might be completing small tasks that were once daunting, speaking up when we couldn't before, trying something new, or even simple acts like decluttering or changing a piece of clothing. When we stop comparing ourselves to others and focus on our own journey, we begin to see the progress we're making.

Progress isn't about measuring success or happiness but about having gratitude for the small steps we've taken. For example, I find joy in maintaining small commitments, like taking regular walks in my local park. When I get back into this routine after a break, I remember why it's important to me. Celebrating these small achievements is significant.

Reflecting on this year, I've noticed various forms of progress, even if some haven't been as much as I hoped. Some have been remarkable, like giving a talk at the Mind Body Spirit festival, a milestone for someone who once found such tasks daunting, due to being so unwell it seemed near on impossible. These moments remind me of how far I've come. Of course, there are areas for improvement, but it's crucial to remember and celebrate what we have achieved, no matter how small.

Listening to my body and nervous system and speaking up for my needs have been significant areas of growth for me. Perfection is an illusion, and this blog post aims to remind you that you are always progressing, even when it doesn't feel like it. I invite you to sit down and reflect, even if it's been a tough year. Look back five or ten years if the present feels too challenging and acknowledge your progress since then.

Life isn't linear; its not in a straight line, it’s more like a squiggle though some may say spiral but definitely not a neat one, full of back-and-forth movements and missed moments. Regularly take time to journal, talk to someone, or even voice note yourself to celebrate your progress. I've become better at asking for help and ensuring I feel supported, which is significant progress for me.

I encourage you to look at your life's squiggle and recognise your progress, celebrating both the small and big achievements. Life is a series of moments, and it's crucial to pause, celebrate, and see how far you've come.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and for you to share your progress with me, no matter how small. In turn, I'll share something with you.

All my love

Hannah X