Spring clean your mind ....
With Spring in the air in the northern hemisphere, it’s time to activate those Spring feels within you.
I’m all for a good physical spring clean, and declutter as it's perfect to enter into spring doing this. It freshens, clears and realigns your space, which is great for bringing in fresh energy!
However, we don't always associate the mind with a Spring clean, when actually what's better than having a detox and declutter of our mind as well?!
With the current state the world is in many people have the felt effects of this situation we are in. Therefore, there has never been a better time to give your mind a spring clean and a realignment, as this will bring in a fresh perspective. Which of course is perfect with the spring energy coming in, and if you're reading this in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s great for autumn too because it’s the perfect time to let go of things that no longer serve, so helpful for both sides of the world here.
Daily, our minds are filled with hundreds of thoughts, which form patterns and we process them with our feelings. It can be easy to get stuck in loops and certain thought patterns and we can end up getting lost in them and feeling overwhelmed.
We need to get clear on what’s helping and supporting us and what’s not. Therefore, take the time to make that list, to see things clearly in front of you. It will soon become clear what the clutter and unsupportive mindset patterns are.
If it feels like there’s a lot and things are very cluttered take one thing at a time, and remember this a habit takes 21 days to reset in the mind, therefore it’s important to stick with it.
The next thing is to get clear on how you want to feel as they all tie in with each other. In order to anchor feelings in, we need to feel them in our body. Embodiment is everything, so get clear on how this thought pattern and feeling, feel it in your body and in your life moving forward.
How does it support you and your life?
I suggest taking one thing at a time because although it may seem a slower process, once you get the hang of one thing what follows after is easier. Simplicity is key; we often try and do too many things at once which actually gets our mind more cluttered. This process is to rewire this and to shift your perceptions with your mindset and thoughts.
Supporting this process I suggest things such as:
Meditation as this quiets the mind, and allows you to see more clearly.
Dance or movement of sorts. I mean free style here as this really helps get things in your body and helps with embodiment.
Mindfulness, this helps us get present and appreciate the little things.
It can be great to get a friend on board with you for accountability or in some cases you may want to hire a professional. Either way support can be helpful.
Lastly, gratitude, this is vital always. Gratitude for where you are at and where you are going. I swear by my regular gratitude practise it really helps my mindset daily. Begin with three things every day this alone helps the mind see things more clearly and feels good too.
I hope this is helpful and you can give this a go, like all things I’m never about bypassing either so if things are coming up that do need addressing don’t avoid them. They are there for a reason, we often have negative patterns because they make us feel safe in a weird way, the good thing is we can work with this to change this.
Therefore, let this mental spring clean be one where we bring all the stuff up into the light.
Lastly, work with your own pace and rhythm on this. I believe this is the way we get results; we understand our own rhythm. It’s not a race, stay in your own lane breaking things down one by one in the way that works for you.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
All my love
Hannah X
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