November check-in and refresh ...


When the season shifts I find the key to success is to shift habits and routines that fit where you are at and what’s going on. Or simply have a check in and refresh of things that will boost and support you during the season. I find over time things can drop off so getting accountable with ourselves gives us a boost and reset.

This always helps us in approaching things we have to do, gaining new perspectives and more importantly feeling more connected to yourself.

Looking after yourself is something that pays dividends, but is often harder than we realise when life gets busy or maybe we are in a bad place. Our self care tends to be the first thing to drop off, so getting on top of it regularly will help.

We are currently in November right now heading towards winter here in the northern hemisphere, it can be a very busy season, so looking after yourself, keeping warm and cosy is paramount.

Here’s ten things I do to check in with myself to feel better and reset:

  1. Look at where I’m not supporting myself and how I can improve this and support myself more, remember it can be little tweaks it doesn’t need to be big things. Ask for help where you need it too, getting some support isn’t failing its winning.

  2. Looking at how I can boost my environment in alignment with the season, for instance in this period how can I make it more cosy and warm.

  3. Checking in with how my life is feeling in my body and nervous system, am I feeling safe and what changes can I make to improve this, I find gentle somatic movement has been so helpful for me. Look at how you our feeling in your body so many of us get in our heads and we need to connect with our bodies, even when they aren’t quite functioning correctly. We can’t run away from our bodies, but what we do have is the power to look at what we can do to optimise it.

  4. Looking at how I can boost my nutrition, I find each season this needs tweaking, trust your intuition too, seek help if needed. I also during this time of year look to warming foods and how I can include more of this.

  5. Looking at my spiritual/ wellbeing practises and seeing whats working, what needs tweaking or getting back on the wagon if I’ve fell off. Meditation, gratitude and EFT are my go to ones, I always try and maintain.

  6. Check in with my joy/fun monitor, am I feeling joy in my life right now, do I have things that bring me joy, and what is my joy bank account looking like, this is so important. When you lead with Joy, life improves.

  7. Am I getting quality rest and making this a priority, and if I’m not what can I do to tweak and improve this. Rest is healing and nourishing and something we tend to place as low importance, when its actually vital

  8. Do I have space in my life, this may sound a funny one but having space and not being totally backed up allows things to happen in your life more easily. Also it gives you space to look after yourself and rest, but to integrate things. Integration is something so underrated but so important.

  9. Getting outside each day ( weather permitting ), I believe this is vital even if its a small amount, it sounds so basic but fresh air and nature is grounding and good for the soul. Especially on those sunny days ( even cold winter sun being wrapped up is good). It also breaks up the day if you are busy working it interrupts so you return refreshed.

  10. Looking at my life organisation, when we are in the flow here life feels better. Sometimes we’ll nail this others we can feel like we are chasing our tails. I find its maintenance and tweaks, knowing even if things fall off a bit you can get back on.

These are just my list and each season this varies and sometimes we need to address things more others, where we find we are more in the flow. Get buddy to bounce this off on, I find this helps.

Most of look at your happiness and make this a priority, when you do you will naturally realign towards happiness more. Different things bring happiness for different people there’s no right or wrong, tune into yours.

Lastly, make good people in your life a priority, quality over quantity too, this will nourish you and support you.

Share with me the things that support you, and if this was helpful.

Wishing you a good refresh and reset.

All my love

Hannah X