Five ways to shift yourself when you're feeling stuck ....
We all know that feeling where we have good intentions and plan to do something or start something and it just doesn’t happen.
We end up getting stuck or feeling stuck which leads to us telling ourselves stories that we are failures or not good enough.
Often, at the beginning of January we set up all these intentions and to find ourselves at the end of January no further forward. Here’s the thing - we can begin again at any time, and I find personally it’s not always an ideal thing to do something where there’s lots of expectation involved. Which the beginning of January often does.
Firstly, you are enough and aligning with this is vital for you to move forward and secondly January is, in my opinion as I’ve written about before, a month to figure things out and feel your way into it. I think of it as a month of nourishment and laying the foundations, to me it’s mid winter.
It’s also worth remembering we are all at different stages and seasons, there are no fixed rules around things. I believe this is why people get stuck. They aren’t always listening to the timing that will work for them but listening to what the outside suggests.
I invite you to reflect and think about this, if you're reading this now in January or whenever in the year. What and when feels good for you, of course I see you thinking at times ''is there ever a right time?'. If you’re feeling this it may be that you have to just begin, but I believe in flow not forcing and alignment rather than hustle.
Here's five ways to assist you from shifting out of that stuck space.
Get clear on what you’re feeling, once you’ve identified this you have a place to work from. Is the feeling coming from fear that’s keeping you stuck, or is it because what you’re feeling, in this case, is stuck because actually the thing you want isn’t what you really want.
Your worth is inherent and is not based on what you're achieving. This is a big one and once we claim this and embody this. You are worthy wherever you are at and this is so important to anchor in. I find we actually align ourselves more with what we want and we feel good when this has been embodied it shifts everything. Remember when we feel good there's no place for feeling stuck.
Are you getting outside? Even if it's cold and grey, wrap up and get outside, just for ten minutes a day even. Often when we feel stuck we feel unmotivated. A simple change such as getting outside helps with momentum and will shift your state. It also helps you feel more grounded, which is vital to feeling happy, when you are more grounded you feel less stuck.
Meditate and yes I know I say this all the time but it really helps when done consistently and helps shift blocks inside of you. Not only that, it makes you feel clearer to what you really want because it gets you out of your overthinking head thoughts and aligns you to what you really want from a heartfelt place.
Have more fun and invite more joy into your life. I don’t mean this in a reckless manner either. When we connect to what brings us joy and have more fun we feel good. Often when we are trying to achieve things or be focused we block joy, this actually makes us more stuck. Yes, it really does, make bringing more joy into your life a priority and watch things shift for you, break old programming that says you have to earn fun. Let joy be the catalyst towards the things you want and that you are feeling happy along the way. This doesn’t have to be a costly experience either, if you're feeling blocked or unhappy start small on thinking what brings you joy. Invite and encourage more of this in on a daily basis.
I hope these pointers give some food for thought.
Lastly, as I’m all about practically, I do agree with planning but a plan that feels aligned and doable. Often when we plan something and we get stuck or fall off the wagon we feel like we’ve failed. Plans can be revised and I believe it's a good idea to always check in with our plans, even asking our body how the plan feels in it. More often than not it may trigger overwhelm in the body which to me would indicate you need to reassess the plan to make it more in alignment to you and that it feels doable.
Remember we can always rework things to do more as we go along but if we start something that's doable we are more likely to stick with it. Let’s face it in the long term this will take you further.
I hope this was a helpful read if you’re feeling the January blues or feeling a bit stuck, remember you’ve got this and even if you’ve done nothing that's ok! Stop beating yourself up, be kind to yourself and look at how you can set some good foundations to move forward for the future.
Sending good vibes to you, the reader.
All my love
Hannah X