Call back your power ....
Right now, with the current life status of a global pandemic, many things are up in the air. Things are stuck and a bit all over the place, with people trying to figure out where they are at with everything. Every area of our lives have been impacted, which is why it's important to acknowledge no matter how strong and all together you are, we all need a bit of extra self care.
People are feeling chronically disconnected with so many pieces of themselves scattered everywhere. Therefore, coming back to yourself and reconnecting with yourself has never been more vital. Despite this situation affecting people collectively we will all react differently and feel hit by things differently. This could all depend on how much you were carrying before things got this wild. I find wild is the best way to describe this current situation we are in. The one thing we can do with this is reclaim those lost pieces of ourselves scattered everywhere and to call back our power.
This will help you feel more in your centre and you can move forward feeling lighter and clearer.
How can we do this?
Firstly, take a good look at how you're feeling, what are you carrying that's not yours?
Ultimately, we will all find lots of stuff that isn’t really ours but from society’s programming or of what we think we should be doing or what others have influenced us with.
Like unpacking a heavy backpack, start unloading this stuff, and ask yourself; is this really serving me?
Make a list of things that aren’t yours that are weighing you down, you’ll find you can hold attachment to things that aren't even yours because you may even feel guilt about letting them go. Like any process we undertake, a lot of emotions will often come up or in some cases you could feel numb if it’s a difficult thing you are looking at.
Be willing to witness the list fully and know that you no longer have to carry this weight.
Next you’ll want to ask yourself; who am I without this programming or these things I’ve been carrying? The interesting thing is we often build a lot of things around something that we don’t even want because it makes us feel safe.
After this, get ready to let it go. I find some patterns, programs or behaviours stick on like they're attached with superglue, so you may need to do this process a few times or even more than that.
You are left with a lot of empty space, this is where it's important to call back your power and think about who you want to be.
Now ask yourself what you do want and how do you want to feel. Allow yourself to feel into this, this is part of taking back your power.
Like with all things you want to create space for yourself, often when we let go of things we feel this need to fully fill back up the space. I suggest leaving some space because this allows more lightness, flow and fluidity.
It allows you to have space for expansion and releasing without feeling too backed up. Learning an embodied practice that involves movement such as dance really helps, it can be anything that involves movement that brings you joy and feels gentle and fluid. Being in our bodies and connected to our bodies is helpful in that process of reconnecting back to yourself.
Lastly, a regular meditation practise is super help, I often feel like a stuck record saying this but it really does make a difference.
The great thing is with meditation is that there are so many different types you can find what works for you.
A good meditation practise will ground you back into the present and even if this is a brief thing once we get that present feeling it’s something we can always come back to.
Heres a free meditation to ground you that you get if you are signed up to my newsletter for weekly wisdom drops.
I hope this is helpful as this is a big topic but right now with so much going on in the world finding ways to come back to yourself is always going to be supportive and helpful. There are some things we can’t control, so finding the ways to connect with the things we can control such as our wellbeing and the things we need to let go of will serve you greatly.
We all need to have our cup overflowing right now, not feeling empty.
Remember to stay grateful even if it's just for the little things. Gratitude is such a potent medicine as it keeps us present and allows us to feel good about what’s right in front of us. I’m not suggesting by-passing here, just making use of helpful tools to keep us in balance when there’s lots going on.
Sending all the good vibes to you the reader and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic.
All my love Hannah X