Episode 142 - Finding Grace with "Red School's" Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
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In this episode of finding grace I’m joined by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo who are the co-founders of Red school and are the authors of the Hayhouse books “Wild power” and “Wise power” and the creators of the healing modality “Menstruality medicine circle”.
I absolutely love the work they are doing, this is vital conversation in my opinion and their work is leading us back home to ourselves and to gain balance back in our lives.
In this episode:
Alexandra and Sjanie share what finding grace means to them.
They share the journeys that led them to this work and working together.
We talk about he narrative that most people have about periods being an inconvenience, problematic and so many people dread their cycle each month.
We discuss changing these narratives around this.
We talk about how you can work with this even when you have a challenging cycle.
We dive in and discuss why cycle awareness is important and how to begin.
We talk about how transformative cycle awareness can be for your whole life and how you live and why its empowering.
They take you on a journey of each inner season.
We discuss how when you start working with your cycle, you feel more connected to yourself.
We talk about the two books they’ve written.
They share about what they are offering to support people on this journey, which I highly recommend looking at.
We talk about even if people don’t have a working cycle how they can work with this.
We discuss why conversation and education about this is the key.
They share what’s bringing them joy right now.
They leave the episode with some great parting wisdom.
Alexandra and Sjanie share all this and more in this beautiful conversation.
Do reach out to me to continue this important conversation, and I hope you enjoyed.
If you would like to read the books and see what Red school is up to and offering you can them here:
www.redschool.net for all of their offering’s
Instagram @red.school
Podcast - “Menturality Podcast” https://www.redschool.net/podcast
You can find me at :
Instagram @thehannahwallace
Twitter @hannahwallace_
Face book @theannahwallace
Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.
Meet “Red School’s” Alexandra and Sjanie
- Creators and founders of “Red school”
- Course creators and educators
- Podcast hosts
- Authors of “Red power” and “Wise power”
I highly recommend checking out the work Alexandra and Sjanie are doing.
Their passion, wisdom and knowledge shines through in all they are doing. They are changing narratives and educating about the menstrual cycle and menopause, to empower people and help them understand their bodies more and connect with them in a way to enhance their lives and help themselves. This is done through the various spaces they’ve created, the courses, book and podcast. It’s all done in an accessible way which I love too.