Work smarter ...
Work smarter for yourself, bio hack and your life will feel and look better……
I see this being chucked around but what does this even mean?
I mean in truth it’s ambiguous to some extent as we are all different and have different needs, therefore it’s about making it work for you, and its more about optimising things for yourself to work more easily in your life.
This should lead to more spaciousness, feeling more organised and not feeling burnt out or that your nervous system is run into the ground.
Now of course a busy mum for instance spinning all the plates I know this as I have many friends who are mums, maybe thinking work smart I can barely breathe. The busy entrepreneur, the person living with chronic illness under a care system or someone caring for someone ( I’m giving some examples here obviously I know there are many more) this is for context.
How do we even begin to do this?
Well firstly, it begins with getting clear with where you are at and what your needs are.
You will need to break it down, what’s working and what’s not, what’s within your control and what’s not its always important to note this too, and its also worth thinking about privilege here because this can play a part too. Once you're clear on this it gives you the ability to see things more clearly.
This is the most important step, also having the awareness that your needs will change over time so knowing things are always adapting.
The other big thing is believing you're worthy and deserving of this and being willing to receive from life in this way.
I write from experience of learning to optimise a situation health wise I was living with to really make the best the best of things and not in a toxic positivity way but to find ways to make things easier for me in my life.
I realised after feeling all over the place and having the awareness my nervous system was all over the place that I had to find ways to help myself. It was less about an end outcome but about working smarter to optimise where I was at so I could meet myself there.
We find that our minds our often conditioned to chaos or what we know or feel safe in even when it’s not working. I had to work with this, and I think because there were so many things not in my control that sometimes the fear of changing something even if it wasn’t right made me feel unsafe. I worked through this, and worked with the idea of how I could shift myself here and how these small changes could positively impact my life. I had to feel into my body how this would feel, and the idea that I could find positive ways to calm and regulate my nervous system. What would my life look like with more space, calm, expansiveness and things being more organised. I made it manageable to my rhythm and through trial and error, because if I’m honest it is and it was small changes and ones I could manage. Of course I tried things that felt too much I would get the push back on this, so I soon learnt that pushing hard wasn’t working smarter. Of course some changes may feel a bit uncomfortable because you’re not used to them but this is different to pushing hard.
The things you're putting into place to work smarter will add up, stick with it and you may not get instant results. Rather than thinking about it as end outcome think of it as enhancing your life and optimising it. In other words supporting your life and your self, designing it in your way. The biggest thing I noticed would be that I would sometimes find my looking for more ways to work smart or thinking maybe I haven’t done enough. I had to pause and actually see how things were actually working and get present in that space and appreciate this.
Wherever you are at with this, get curious and have a think how you could bring some of this into your life.
This is a big expansive topic I’m just touching on here to encourage to bring in the idea of working smarter in your life and finding ways to work for you.
I will do another post in the future to sister this one.
Share with me here, do you work smart and try and optimise things in your life or are you looking for ways to start to do this .
All my love
Hannah X