The unknown ...
We’ve all been in the position where we just don’t know what to do, or we don’t have the answers or solutions to what we are looking for.
What happens is we find ourselves stuck or getting frustrated and we can end up either making unaligned decisions or doing nothing at all and still feeling bad.
Here’s the thing its not always as black and white as having the answers and everything will be ok.
It’s actually often asking the question “what’s underneath this?” or “what’s the pattern that’s presenting?” underneath this to dig a bit deeper to get clearer.
But beyond this, there’s alway feeling that deep down we don’t actually really want the answer or solution as it brings about change or triggers and the need for action or it may even be that, it actually feels unsafe to go there.
It may be that without realising it, the safest way to be ok is to stays in the frustration because thats the pattern you are always use to.
So you can see there’s a few things that surround this, here’s what I suggest doing.
Firstly, I’m going to say whilst we don’t want to rely on others for all our answers and solutions and give away our power I would suggest talking to a trusted person. I find its less about getting solutions but more about voicing it and sometimes supportive suggestions can come with this, and simply letting someone hold the space with you and for you can allow for more expansive thinking to come about.
Sometimes the truth is we have to get comfortable in the unknown of not knowing to allow for the right solutions to arise. I will openly admit I struggle with this because essentially we are letting go control and the unknown can feel a scary place, however I do recognise there is wisdom there. This takes practise and we almost have to befriend and get aquatinted with the unknown.
I suggest leaning into it and seeing what feelings come up and easing in this way.
Next as hard as it seems, for some things we aren’t meant to get the answers because there’s actually something better for us, this can be a hard one to swallow so in a word its allowing acceptance in and this doesn’t mean you have to be ok with this, its learning to see the solutions that will come about differently.
Creating space for ourselves and taking a step back is a great way to let things come through clearly now of course I recognise this is easier said than done, but I look at it like this. If your not getting anywhere with the frustrated stuck place, why not try something different. Creating space allows things to breathe and it allows us to regulate, it also takes away the tension and all the built up energy.
Lastly, the one that can throw us off a bit is the right timing, there are times when we want answers and solutions and it’s not the right time, and we have allow for divine timing. I’ve been here many times and always been amazed that things have dropped in at the right time when I’ve let go of the need to know, it always reminds me this is something we have to lean into as annoying as it is.
Whats more funny when you reflect back and things have aligned and you have the answers you need and you get that ah ha feeling.
These of course above are a few suggestions, this is a huge topic but it’s one we all struggle with from time to time.
While the unknown or the void can be a place we want to avoid, it may be just the place we need to have a temporary stop in.
The truth is that when we find ourselves in this, it’s often a deeper call to reach into trusting ourselves and our hearts and asking the question “what does my heart respond with?”. And to ask ourselves what feels good in your body and nervous system, this is always a good call and way to feel into something.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
What do you when you don’t know or you need an answer to something?
How does the unknown feel for you?
Share with me here.
All my love
Hannah X