The magic of seasonal transitions ...
As each season turns, the time just before as it transitions to the next one is potent and powerful one, I find it a beautiful and fascinating time and space. Currently here in the Northern hemisphere we a transitioning to Autumn, a magical time in my opinion, and in the southern hemisphere they are moving towards spring ( I will link some relevant blogs to read here).
When we find ourselves in that transition phase of the season turning, it can be used as a deeply reflective and realigning time.
It’s a magical thing when we sit on the cusp and change in a season and we cross over.
Autumn equinox is a powerful time of release, where we are letting go of summer and all its highs and letting things fall away that no longer work or align, just like the leaves fall off trees in autumn, we are moving to the darkness of winter and the days are getting shorter.
Equinox means equal day and night and it happens twice a year in between solstices.
As we cross over into a season, it’s a powerful time to look at things and the season that has just passed and to take some time to reflect.
I’ve been learning about runes ever since I had an expert on as podcast guest I will link the episode below, there’s a rune called “Dagaz” its all about transition, its the rune that represents things like a season turning, as well as all the transitions in our lives.
Here’s some things for you do as we transition to this next season:
Reflect on how the last season has been for you, maybe journal or sit with yourself, have those few moments to ask yourself how you’re feeling, clarity helps us know where we are at.
Think about what has been good in the season just passed, celebrate this.
Think about what you’re ready to release, this is especially potent with autumn but effective at every season change.
Crack out the gratitude, what are you grateful for in the season that’s just been.
Have a clear out there’s nothing better at the turn of a season than having a clear out to create some space. This always brings a new found clarity into your space and fresh energy which always feels good.
Make the seasonal shifts in your home, where the blankets come out on the sofa in autumn and you make things more cosy.
Get out in nature to celebrate the change of the season, this is such a good way connect with the turn of the season.
Think about what you're ready to call in for the new season a head, this could even be something like being kinder to yourself or even supporting yourself better. Our needs are changing all the time there’s no right or wrong, it’s listening to what you need at that specific time.
Often we lead such busy lives we don’t even feel we have time to pause and observe a transition, when actually even if backed up and busy, taking those few moments to feel into it will only benefit you.
If you love a ritual, take some time out to do a releasing one ready to welcome the new season and release the old.
These are just a few ideas to work with as we cross over and there’s no right or wrong here, and even if time is an issue. Remember the power in finding those small pockets and moments to reflect, is a positive thing.
Often people can a bit tired and slowed down as the season changes and turns, its almost like natures way of getting us to pause, take a few moments to listen and realign your energy.
We also shift into the sign of libra the day after equinox too.
Happy Autumn equinox from me, I’d love you to share your thoughts about this season and how you are doing as the season transitions.
What do you love?
Or do you prefer the warmer seasons?
What are you ready to release?
I’d love to hear from you, I’ll begetting ready with to cosy in and as a big Samhain/halloween fan I’ll be looking forward to October.
Equinox blessings to all.
All my love
Hannah X