Redefine expansion ...
I was talking to a friend the other day who saw something online about how you had to expand and step into the best version of you and how if this isn’t working you’re doing something wrong.
Firstly, it’s making sure we change the narrative about being wrong or getting it wrong, when we change this story we will shift where we are at and actually move into alignment of what actually is the right place for us to step into that expansion.
We can go online and fall down a comparison trap, the truth is there’s a fine balance between staying in our own lane and being inspired by the places we want to go and expand into. We have to navigate this and get really clear on what we want and why and how we want to really feel. We forget the feeling part and being able to stay in this feeling and hold it. Making sure it actually feels good and is in alignment with what we really want.
Theres often a lot of judgment about people playing it small, be radical and remember size doesn’t matter, the important thing here is to do you, others opinions are simply theirs do you small or big thats all that matters, all of our true norths look different we aren’t carbon copies of each other.
Stripping back the outside noise is essential and going back to your truth, when we do this we often find there are so many ideas that actually aren’t ours. The good news here is when you do this and then you step back in with your version you are more likely to expand into the place where you want to be. Don’t get me wrong of course when we expand it can feel daring and uncomfortable but thats very different to misalignment.
What we don’t realise beneath the expansion we have to begin with our nervous system and whether where we are heading towards can be held in our bodies and it feels safe there.
It was a real light bulb moment for me when I began to understand this and when I realised it’s not just about expanding into things we want, it’s about being able to stay in that place and embody it. It needs to feel good in your nervous system.
For instance people can sporadically manifest really good things but it’s inconsistent and they drop back down into a place where its not working and their nervous system feels all over the place, in a word they are not feeling ok in their body and often not realising it.
So next time you're thinking you’re doing something wrong it’s worth remembering this.
Begin by listening to your body and ask those key questions.
Understand your nervous system needs and how things actually feel in your body. Asking the question does it feel safe to step into this place and if it doesn’t it may require you to strip back things to uncover why and it will help you realise if this is the right thing for you or not. Sometimes its powerful when we realise something isn’t for us after all and it then allows us to feel into what is for us and to expand there.
Lastly, remember where you choose to expand is your choice ultimately and doing from a place that feels good will lead you there. Expansion requires us to be flexible recognising that sometimes its smaller expansions that are actually what are needed to lead us to where we need to be. Like filling up a bath let yourself be the one turning the taps on and off, so you step in to the bath of your choice and it feels good and you can expand from that place.
I’d love to hear what expansion looks and feels like to you?
All my love
Hannah X