Mercury medicine ...
We are in Mercury retrograde right now, and what this actually means is that it’s an optical illusion that looks as if the planet is moving back from our view on earth. It slows down and this is the same for any planet that retrogrades. It happens 3 times a year averagely with Mercury each planet is different, and like when any planet that is in retrograde we can take the essence of them and use it to help us.
Mercury is all about technology and communication and often this gets disrupted during this period.
There is medicine to be found during this time, and if we slow down enough we can look at things like communication and see where we can bring the medicine in to improve this.
Mercury in this one is retrograding in the sign of Virgo, so it’s really about refining things, tidying up, getting clearer and more concise.
How we communicate is everything and most of us learn our communication methods as children in our home dynamics and this often becomes our foundation and not only the outward communication but how we talk to ourselves too.
Let's be honest we are often our own most harshest critic and unkind to ourselves.
The way we communicate even if it’s not always the best way will be our own learned way that makes us feel safe, even if its reactive and harsh, or argumentative. We will also find different people will trigger us in certain ways and may not bring out the best in our communication. Many people as well haven’t felt heard or felt they can use their voice properly too.
Looking at how you communicate and your patterns here is the key, and unravelling whats learned and not so helpful, will help you begin to change things. We will all have positives in there, so take the positives and look at how you can create change in your communication, you will need to get honest in your patterns even if its confronting. You may of course want to talk to someone and bounce of some ideas off them, and use methods such as eft, meditation, journalling to name a few, to help you along the way. It’s not an over night thing and I believe it’s over time we refine this and it’s how we heal as well, and the relationships and people we mix with too. It can feel challenging if we feel the only way to deal with certain people is certain types of communication. We can only be the change for ourselves, and lead with example and its not always going to be the same with everyone, especially if there’s been challenges and conflicts with them etc.
Let’s also look at how you talk to yourself, and begin to make small changes here, it will feel transformative. This doesn’t mean you won’t screw up and get mad or frustrated at yourself, but how you bring yourself down and repair, it will shift things with yourself and others.
This of course as always has to all felt and anchored on a body and nervous system level, and that may take some unravelling especially if we don’t feel safe to communicate in certain ways.
So let it be a work in process, open yourself up to the medicine of mercury by letting yourself dive into this, and if it feels like things are frustrating and going wrong, pause in the space of them and look at what you can find in them. ( of course express the frustration first)
Honour this period of slowing down, and see the medicine in it.
Remember too when these things happen sometimes we’ll feel them more than others, so listen to that and be guided by where you are at and what you are feeling.
Do you feel the affects of the planets, or not at all?
Share with me here.
All my love
Hannah X