Finding peace in busy times ...
With the festive season landing upon us, things start to get busy and there’s even a buzz in the air around us, and let’s face it, it’s everywhere around us, well it is here in the UK.
I really love Christmas and the buzz of it all, the music, the films and the build up. But I also recognise the need to stay grounded and not get so caught up, you end up getting frazzled by it all. I recognise the importance of making sure you’re finding a sense of peace and some balance too. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt with the journey that I’ve been on, is that beyond everything is that a sense of inner peace is true wealth and to have this as an anchor allows you to ride any storm.
Like anything we don’t have to follow the crowd, so if the festive season isn’t your thing that’s ok too, stay in your own lane with it. Everything in life is what we make of it, so define this season to what works for you, this is important with all things in life.
We can easily get caught up in what we think we should be doing rather than what’s right for us, get clear on this.
What do you want things to look like for you?
We often give our power away to things and the meaning that everyone else is giving something, reclaim your power here and the season becomes all the more enjoyable.
Here’s five things I find helpful to find peace:
Getting out in nature and having a walk not only is this grounding, but it also reminds you that nature does its own thing no matter what’s going on a round you.
Having a gratitude practise is something that has kept me anchored for many years and brings me back to myself. Do you have one? If not try it, three things a day and you will be amazed how this helps you to feel better.
Having a daily meditation practice, is vital for me. Just ten minutes a day is helpful for everyone, and it doesn’t need to be complicated or fancy. There’s no right way either, there are so many apps out there and free resources on YouTube too. It may take a bit of practise getting into the routine of it but it’s worth it, and remember even a consistent two to five minutes of daily makes all the difference.
Making sure I’m looking after myself in the ways that I know support me, we are all different here but figuring out what you need can really make a difference. Living with a chronic situation I’ve learnt my boundaries and work with them, which really helps me maintain a base line to work from. Getting back in my body and feeling safe and grounded in my body is something that helps me very much, especially in busy times. I appreciate everyone has different levels of busy going on but finding small windows of opportunity for some self care really is the key here.
Peace and joy go hand in hand, figuring out what brings me joy and this means even the smallest of things and having moments of this in my life raise my levels of peace.
Value your peace, it truly is a life changing thing when realise the value of peace, when you don’t have peace of mind you really notice this in all areas of your life and even how you interact with people. It’s a privilege as I know because some people due to circumstance don’t always have the access to peace so easily, of course inner peace is available to all but just keeping it real here.
Saying all this doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and get caught up in the buzz of things. It just means you have an anchor and having an anchor of peace is good for your nervous system, physical and mental health.
I’m off to continue my love of the festive season and will enjoy being caught up in all the silly things that comes with it, even down to my festive mugs and of course watching all the cheesy Christmas films. But I will also be seeking peace in the midst of this all, as it allows me to integrate, reflect and be truly present with everything too.
Enjoy the season ahead what ever that looks like for you.
What does peace look like to you?
How does it feel?
I would love to hear how you find peace in busy times?
Share with me, I would love to hear.
All my love
Hannah X