Finding balance ....
We all want some form of balance in our lives and within ourselves. Yet, this seemingly simple word has so much attached to it and what it stands for.
The big question for us all, do you have balance in your life?
Or do you have imbalance?
How does balance feel to you?
What does it look like?
Sit down and muse these questions, really lean into them and get clear. One thing I do know is all of you reading this post will answer them differently and balance will look and feel different for each and every one of you.
Balance for someone who is a high achiever may seem a bit too weak like a word that wouldn’t push them enough, here's the thing; whatever level you're at, finding the balance there is key to avoid burn out. It’s important wherever you're at to develop a healthy relationship with balance in your life and allow it to evolve with you.
We can never underestimate the power of redefining our relationship to a word that will ultimately benefit our life.
Talking of redefining, a friend once said to me, the word balance doesn’t seem very fun. If you’re in this space redefining is essential, spoiler you can still have epic fun and some balance in your life. Once you get on top of leaning into balance in this space, it essentially invites sustainability into your life, which is never a bad thing.
I know for me seeking and feeling in balance is something important to me. This involves me feeling like my cup is overflowing, feelings of overwhelm are nowhere in sight, my body is in its own personal balance and my nervous system feels calm.
In my outer world, socially and the things I love doing feel good and the things that I’m doing are just the right amount for me in this particular time.
My greatest insight with balance despite us having this illusion that it looks the same is that it is not only personal to us but contracts and expands depending on what our lives look like at a particular time. More often than not we don’t shift with this which is why things get out of balance so to speak and feel funky and overwhelming. We can end up totally depleted or running empty if we totally ignore the need for balance in our lives.
Which leads me to the word harmony. I recently did a podcast with Tamu Thomas, you can listen here.
One of the questions I asked her was in relation to one of her posts that said harmony over balance. It really struck a chord with me and the need to have harmony with balance symbiotically and recognising that sometimes we do need to choose harmony over balance. However, when you weave the two together you really create a magical container for you to work with. Vibe into how harmony sounds and feels to you, and how you can work with this in terms of balancing your life.
A term I often love to use is learning to dance to your own rhythm, and I believe this is the key here. Bring harmony into this mix and recognise that sometimes in life you expand and tip the scales of balance. It’s in this place you reset, you redefine and find your rhythm there. It comes down to deeply listening to your body and how your life feels. Of course at times I recognise balance etc may seem impossible, the key here is to look at the small things you can do to regain some balance no matter how small they are.
Life will test us at the extremes no matter how much we will think we’ve mastered balance. The great thing here is balance and harmony is something we can always come back to and it's always there. I believe this is where we find grace when we are navigating the delicate balance in life.
This is a huge topic I could go on and on with but overall, If life is feeling out of balance right now, firstly know you can tip those scales back but most importantly know this is your version of balance. Once you align with this you shift things for yourself because you start to look at your needs.
Lastly, I will say this balance may involve asking for help or getting help, so it's not a solely solo game. It’s important to listen to your needs here, as it could be as simple as someone guiding you to space and helping you regain more balance in your life and this could really change things for you.
This as always will look different for everyone.
I will be writing a part two to this post on ways to help you regain balance in your life.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so do reach out and share with me what balance looks like for you.
All my love
Hannah X
Ps If you sign up to my newsletter for weekly wisdom drops you get a free meditation.
Meditation is a great way for inner balance.