An injection of spring ...
The wheel of the year turns once again and we are moving into spring here in the northern hemisphere (I will link a post for the southern hemisphere below).
As we are emerging from the hibernation of winter to spring, and I’m feeling ready to inject some spring into my life. After what felt like a long winter after my summer abruptly getting cut off breaking my leg. I felt I descended into a quick autumn straight to winter, my initiation in the darkness of winter to release the old shadows of things that had sat with me for years. I truly honoured this period and surrendered in a way I hadn’t before, and as I re emerged from my healing cave I’ve done so gently integrating everything into my nervous system, really letting everything land for you.
I crossed into this calendar year and had the most beautiful 40th birthday celebration, ready for this new decade and the magic this will bring, it has felt good.
As we cross through spring equinox, a point in time twice a year (this happens in the autumn too and thats happening in the southern hemisphere ) where we get equal amount of day and night, the point in time where the sun sits directly over the earths equator.
The darkness and light in us all and around us meet equally.
The spring represents renewal, hope, new life, seeds that have been planted coming to life, nature coming alive after winter, more light as we head to its peak of light in the summer solstice.
You can almost smell the hope in the air and it's wonderful seeing nature coming back to life.
It’s the perfect time to inject some spring into your life, whether that’s physically or mentally.
Sit down and look at what practises have fallen by the way side in winter and how you can sustainable revive one or two that you can walk into spring with.
Have spring clean and look at your space, this can really make a difference to how we feel as simple as it sounds.
The simplicity of changing up our wardrobe from winter to spring and feeling the joy from this is a great injection of spring.
What to you need to fully release in order to let the seed’s of spring come to life and bloom, doing a ritual and or even just the act of writing what you need to release and ripping it up will help.
Think about what you what to grow and bloom to life this season is there space for this and if there isn’t how can you create space to make this happen. What needs to go?
As well as new things, sometimes we see things differently and they simply need rebirthing and this is the perfect season to do this welcome that renewal energy.
Mentally what fresh things can you do support yourself, its always good to have a spring clean of your mental health.
What positive things can you do for your overall wellbeing that can you inject spring into your life, the key here isn’t lots of things its about being intentional with one or two things that can really make a difference.
If you feel called doing a ritual to welcome spring in, it's such a great way to connect with it.
As we move through life being intentional with it, really transforms how we live and this goes for working with the seasons too.
Getting out in nature is a great way to support this and connect with the season, ground yourself and take in everything coming back alive after winter hibernation. Honour the beauty of this and how we get to witness year in and out the cycles of death and rebirth through nature and how magical that is.
Ask yourself “What do you want your spring to look and feel like?”, there’s no right or wrong answer here.
I want to add in of course, you may well be going through stuff in your life that doesn’t feel very spring like, and it of course is important to honour the season you are personally in. We can however still use natures season to help us as we move through what ever we are going through.
Let yourself sit with the idea what a spring injection looks like for you and inject some of that into your life.
Spring equinox blessings to you all.
All my love
Hannah X