A prescription for radical rest ....
How many times do you plan to rest or take time out only to be distracted, or find you don’t feel rested afterwards, or you feel tired a lot time despite taking what you consider to be time out or some down time.
Right now collectively we are feeling a lot we are in the middle of pandemic, so yeah it’s intense even though here in the UK life is more normal than its been for months right now, that normal is still different because there are certain things in place that make life a bit different. So even the strongest of people are feeling fatigue in times like this, even when we feel ok our nervous systems have been put through it so its filters down into us and as humans we are all in some way connected so the impact of whats going on will have an affect on us all.
Of course in some people it will be minimal and others much more.
Despite people being in their houses and doing a lot less in these current times just passed, this hasn't meant we’ve got anymore proper rest, because more than often we busy ourselves or end up being unmindful in our activities so still end up exhausted and not to mention being on top of each other and routines out of sync.
What can we do about this?
Well, self care is vital and by this I mean quality self care where it impacts your nervous systems and slows the brain waves.
Obviously getting good sleep is essential but this isn’t always possible for everyone so we have to get smart with it.
Now I appreciate some people reading may have very busy lives and even more complexity’s due to the situation we are in right now, thats why I say quality self care, that fills you up and keeps you nourished and helps sustain you and keeps you feeling strong and in your centre.
Recognising that if you are feeling fatigue more than normal that this is your body giving you feedback that you need to rest and having an acceptance to that then allows you to take action, and do whats good for you.
We need to take the medicine thats good for us, and my prescription is radical rest. What do I mean by this one that nourishes and tops up your nervous systems and that sustains you.
I did a podcast earlier this year with Rich Lister all about radical rest and getting a happy nervous system, the link is here below and theres a free yoga nidra with it too, which will certainly help rest your nervous system.
Our radical rest will all look a bit different however what’s important is how that serves you, for some people yoga nidra could be helpful, of course meditation and as we know there are many different forms so find one that works for you, taking power naps, even lying down for fifteen mins with an eye mask and music that relax’s you of your choice is good, having a massage of course we don’t do this every day though I would love to.
Nature is also a powerful place to top us up so getting air time as I call it, is definitely good for our nervous systems, sometimes just sitting outside for ten minutes with a cup of tea etc doing nothing just breathing and reflecting can be really powerful and a mini reset.
It’s about carving out some quality time and trying to be consistent with this to see the benefits it can be small amounts, thats why I like the word radial rest because we have to get radical with it.
Doing regular top ups will really regulate your nervous system.
Also in times like these even if your good at looking after yourself do extra on top of what you do, keep hydrated and as well nourished as possible as this really does support the body, and lastly keep the people who make you feel good close the ones who’s company fill you up from the inside out.
This is a magic ingredient that boosts our nervous system in our over stimulated world.
Rest is a huge topic, and I want to end with this we often have this belief that resting of taking more rest is lazy or not productive we have a lot of resistance around it. To the point that we will convince ourselves we do rest and get enough, when deep down we know we don’t. It’s like we all want to prove to each other who can be the most wrung out or tired because we are working hard.
Changing this narrative will change your life like literally, it doesn’t mean you won’t thrive it means you will become more sustainable and nourished from the inside out with a happy nervous system.
In our western world we are still very much behind and learning here.
I hope whomever reads this finds it helpful, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic.
All my love
Hannah X
Ps Free meditation thats great for calming your nervous system, when you sign up to my weekly wisdom news letter drops !