Eight Helpful Approaches For Positive Mental Wellbeing


October marks World Mental Health Day, but I believe every day is a mental health day. Working on our mental well-being is an ongoing process—something we are always actively engaging with. It’s essential as we navigate life’s ups and downs, understanding that it’s not about “fixing” our mental health once and for all. Instead, it’s recognising that mental well-being is a lifelong journey. Different experiences will impact us in unique ways at various stages of our lives, even when they seem similar on the surface.

It's crucial to feel equipped and have supportive structures in place to nourish ourselves regularly. In my experience, mental well-being is a mind-body-soul connection, encompassing both physical actions and more subtle, non-physical practices. It requires adjusting our approach and being intentional at different times in our lives. I’ve learned that mental well-being is precious, and nurturing it should always be a priority. When we do, it positively influences how we interact with ourselves and others, making life feel more fluid and manageable.

Here are eight things that I believe can support your mental well-being as you move through life:

1. Surround yourself with good people: You don’t need a large circle—one trusted person can make a world of difference, whether it’s a family member or a friend. For some, family is everything; for others, meaningful connections are found outside of traditional definitions. The key is having a safe, non-judgmental space where you can be open.

2. Take care of yourself: Self-care looks different for everyone, but it’s about doing what supports you best. Make sure you’re nourishing your body and hydrating, especially when life gets busy or stressful. It’s easy for self-care to slip away, so being intentional about it can make a big difference over time.

3. Focus on manageable, consistent actions: Choose small, practical things that you can commit to. Even just one thing, like taking a daily supplement or doing a five-minute meditation, can be powerful. It’s a long-term investment in your well-being. When you view these actions as self-support rather than chores, they become a gift to yourself.

4. Make time for fun: This might seem difficult, especially when life is stressful, but joy is essential. It doesn’t have to be grand—small moments of joy can be a tonic. As Gabby Bernstein says, “I measure my success by how much fun I’m having.” Reclaiming pockets of joy helps balance the weight of life’s challenges and brings lightness into your days.

5. Create a nourishing environment: A living space that feels safe and comforting can have a profound impact on your well-being. Even small changes—like decluttering or adding a cozy touch—can transform how you feel in your space. It doesn’t have to be costly; small, intentional adjustments can make a big difference.

6. Practice gratitude: While it might sound cliché, a daily gratitude practice can shift your perspective. Even if it feels like there’s little to be grateful for, there’s always something to appreciate. It doesn’t matter how you do it—write it down, say it out loud, or record a voice note. Gratitude accumulates over time, helping you notice the positive aspects of life.

7. Seek professional help if needed: If you need additional support, don’t hesitate to reach out. Online therapy services like BetterHelp make it more accessible, and some providers offer sliding-scale fees. Finding the right therapist might take time, but it’s worth the effort if it’s something that could benefit you.

8. Get outside and connect with nature: Fresh air and a bit of sunshine can do wonders, even if it’s just sitting outside or taking a short walk. It’s not about grand adventures; it’s about finding ways to connect with nature that are accessible to you. Whether it’s a nearby park or simply opening a window, nature can be a powerful reset.

I hope these suggestions offer support as you navigate life’s changes, obviously these are just a few suggestions. Remember, mental well-being is precious, and taking care of it can positively impact those around you. As we move into the colder months, when things might feel more challenging, keep prioritising your well-being—even if it’s in small, simple ways. It’s during these times that self-care becomes most important, so don’t let it fall by the wayside when life gets busy. Wishing everyone a peaceful October and a smooth transition into winter.

All my love

Hannah X

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