Episode 3 - Finding Grace with Fab Giovanetti
In this episode of Finding Grace, I’m so happy to be joined by my wonderful friend Fab Giovanetti. Fab is the founder of health bloggers community, whole influence and health bloggers summit, she is a speaker and mentor and most excitingly has just written a book called make an impact which is hitting the shelves December 10 th and its great read!
We explore being a solo entrepreneur, how the industry she’s in is changing and where its heading and how she finds grace with it all.
We cover wellebeing and mental health and all about her brand new book 'Make an impact'. Which you can now pre order on amazon,barnes and noble and in waterstones.
This is a jam packed epsiode and I'm happy to be able to share my friends wisdom.
Fab and I have known each other a number of years after being brought together by a mutual friend and we ve been laughing and supporting each other ever since.
You can find Fab on instrgram @fabgiovanetti @hbloggerscom @wholeinfluence and www.healthbloggerscommunity.com and healthbloggerscom facebook page. Do reach out to her or myself with any questions.
You can buy her book from:
amazon: https://amzn.to/2Qq7YVo
Barnes and noble: https://fave.co/2A4MDqz
Waterstones: https://goo.gl/us7WCG
Meet Fab
Solo entrepreneur/wonderwoman
-Founder of Healthbloggers community.
-Mentor and speaker
-Author of “Make an Impact”.
Fab is passionate about standards in her industry (health and wellness), creating events to bring people and businesses in her industry together and helping the people around her be their best version and create sustainable businesses.