Episode 13 - Finding Grace with Rebecca Campbell
In this episode of finding grace I am joined by the amazing Rebecca Campbell, who is a writer, creative, artist and a best selling author of Light is the new black and Rise sister rise published by hay house, she also has a best selling oracle deck with them as well. Rebecca leads heart opening and activating workshops internationally encouraging people to spend more time with their soul and connect with their own inner teacher. She has been training in the intuitive arts since 1998 and has been acknowledged through many awards over the years and featured through numerous amounts of press.
She is a proud mentor of the diverse wisdom initiative for people of colour.
Rebecca lives with her husband and the most gorgeous doggie Shakti.
Rebecca and I met through hay house events, and Rebecca is one of the catalyst reason I am doing my book and sharing what I am today, so Im super appreciative of her support.
In this episode Rebecca shares what ‘Finding Grace’ means to her.
She discuss’s how she uses nature for her writing as inspiration.
We delve into soul inquiry and how she uses it and gets others to through the work she shares.
She shares how’s she’s grown between her two books and how she brings grace into the writing process.
We talk about coming about the spiritual closet and her take on this, and how to move into a more soul based career.
She shares all about the Kiritan journey she’s embarked on, and how she uses this in her work and how it’s brought much joy to her life.
She brings her tools and wisdom to the episode, this is jam packed and we cover so much I hope the listener finds it helpful and expansive.This women is so full of grace.
I would love to continue this conversation so do reach out to me.
If you would like to discover more about Rebecca’s work, I highly recommend her two books. You can find her on instagram @rebeccathoughts her website is www.rebeccacampbell.me
Rebecca does many talks and workshops all over the world, you can find all this information on her website.
She has various courses, worth checking out.
She has a private group called rise sister rise for women wishing to expand their soul, she opens this up a few times a year for new people to join.
Her facebook page is Rebecca Campbell.
We hope you enjoy this episode!
You can find me at :
instrgram @hannah_wallace11
Twitter @hannahwallace_
Thank you so much for listening please share subscribe and review if you enjoyed. It’s really appreciated.
Meet Rebecca
-Bestselling Author
-International speaker
-Spiritual mentor
- Workshop host
- Kiritan Leader
Rebecca approach is one that is grounded, intuitive and heart centred. She uses nature as much of inspiration, and draws much of her work from this. I can’t recommend Rebecca’s books and work enough. She’s on a mission to inspire us and help us to reconnect and expand, and get us listening to our intuition and our souls in a way that works for us. She has a big body of work, available to check out.
It has been a pleasure to share Rebecca’s voice here I hope you enjoy it.