Give yourself time to blossom....
It can be so easy to look around you and see everybody killing it, or so it seems in your perception, remember we only ever get a snap shot of peoples lives we often never get the full picture, but what happens is we carry thing this with us and let it be our story. This in turn holds us back, and keeps us because in our story and often it stops us achieving what we really want. It’s vital to change the story and rewrite it so it feels good to you, and aligned with where you really want to be.
The truth is we all are in different seasons and bottom line is we all have different rhythms and will blossom in different ways and if we allow this to happen in the right way we move into a place of flow and alignment. But what happens is we stick to a hard line linear approach that we are told to follow a certain way and we will be just like them and we start being hard on ourselves because we aren’t blooming like the person we admire. We think if we follow and exacting certain system, we’ll become the same. Now don’t get me wrong often certain systems work really well but you have to be in alignment with them and be in the right flow.
So how do we get ourselves in full blossom….
The truth is we won’t always be in full blossom look at nature, nature is cyclic and seasonal but modern society often disconnects from this, we forget. We are cyclic beings and we need to come back to this, because we when do we connect differently with ourselves and start to understand where we are at rather than forcing it. It would be exhausting to be in full blossom time and actually this is the problem with modern society people feel they have to be, people end up burnt out and unwell or just very disconnected with themselves. So the importance of blossoming when you're ready is vital and to be ok with the quieter times and use them to your advantage, figure out the season you are personally in.
Speaking of where you are at, thats the key, sometimes the truth is the reason why you are not blossoming is simply because you are not ready. That’s no bad thing, everything needs a gestation time and its important to honour that and the thing is, it’s in these times, we give ourselves the perfect medicine we need and when we are ready to blossom we will do so ease. The gestation gives us time to prepare, and get aligned to where we need to be, it’s actually important to enjoy it and let it be a time of inner growth and learning, it gives us the peace and opportunity to enjoy this peace which can be very helpful and nurturing and when we really listen to this we start to find our own rhythm.
We all have our own individual rhythm and when we learn to dance with this, it changes everything and truly aligns us. ( I actually wrote an earlier blog post about this here ).
So once you’ve figured out where you are at, you will become a conscious creator, and when we do this it begins to inspire others that this is a good way to be, and most importantly we start to fully reconnect to ourselves which brings us back to into alignment, so we will always blossom at the right time with ease, and flow with it, and then honour the time when we need to release let go and go within.
If you're feeling not ready listen to that, take yourself out of the pressure cooker and reconnect with yourself and blossom when your truly ready.
Watch that when you do this, magic really happens and the way people respond to this is different too.
As we are in the depth of autumn the season is no longer blossoming and many people are feeling things release and die off so honour that as we approach winter, but if you're a winter bloomer honour that too.
Do feel the pressure to be in full bloom all the time?
Would love to hear your thoughts on this.
All my love
Hannah X
Ps do you struggle to meditate, I’ve created a go to meditation you get free if you sign up to my email list, and promise you won’t be spammed either, so enjoy.