A love letter .....
Dear Human
Right now we are in the midst of a situation that is unprecedented worldwide and its shaken most people from within, because everyones every day reality has changed.
Via this post I want to send love because we are essentially right now navigating a brave new world, and having to lean into uncertainty and trust a process that in reality no one quite knows what the outcome will be.
For me personally a bit less because of my life situation I am at home a lot more than most and do everything from home, but I love the social aspects of being out over the years it has been a godsend to as a way to cope with the challenges I’ve had to face. I personally have had periods of my life where through ill health where I’ve been stuck in bed for long periods and been very unwell, and you know the truth is, it wasn’t it easy. I had to grieve my old life and the old me, and it was a process and something I had to come to terms with and choose to transform my trauma. In the last twenty years it had been a journey I’ve had to navigate, and learn at times its ok to not be ok with what’s happening and in order to really heal we have to go in and not skate around the surface of things, grieve out whatever you’re feeling.
So right now if you’re struggling or its feeling a bit surreal and overwhelming, that’s ok more than ok don’t be hard on yourself because let’s face it, this is new ground and right now we need to have compassion for ourselves and be kind.
It’s more than ok to not be ok with this, its about not getting stuck in this place and knowing that its possible to do that which it is, its about step by step working and moving through it.
And for many people who are parents you will be navigating this situation, yourself and your children so I can imagine right now you're figuring things out, you will and a new normal will be found and if it is challenging at times own it.
Hope is always available to us, it’s about tapping into that it’s how we choose to see. Of course when we are caught up in the situation, this may feel a challenge, but it really is possible to choose and hope allows us to open our heart, even if just a little.
The key here with all of this is to move through it, we can’t skip around the edge of this but we can choose how we experience and have a willingness to shift our perception.
Some people will thrive in this situation and find ways to be super productive but in reality they would be doing that any way, we all have different levels of adaptability.
However the great thing is with time, we find ways to adapt.
So if you're struggling and not feeling super productive and don’t feel you can do all the things, meet yourself where you are at. Once we’ve done this we give ourselves the opportunity to listen to our needs and how we are really feeling, and believe it or not this actually gives us the chance to shift where we are at, but in an aligned way that works for you, not at another’s rhythms.
Here’s my top tips that’s may help during this time: ( to be honest theres nothing new here but these are reminders if anything )
First of like I said above we are being given no choice but to listen because the space we are in is much more confined and we have far less distraction. So ask yourself how you’re feeling, what do you need right now like really need, checking in like this can really change things because it makes you more present to where you're at right now. Regular checks in will be needed so make it a thing.
Meditate or find a similar practise that works for you, right now something like this will really support you, if you’ve been thinking of you, theres never been a better time to start. There’s so many apps and options and things on you tube you can take your pick.
Rest, like actually rest we lead busy lives quality rest is very different than just lazing about twenty mins of quality rest ( yoga nidra can be life changing for instance).
Arrange dates with people via technology this will keep a level of normality and connect you to people which is good for the soul.
Keep a routine, it really helps, it doesn’t have to be rigid, but the structure of this allows us to feel more normality.
Get laughter in your life, laughter is real medicine so what ever floats your boat delve into it because its needed right now.
Tidy up things in your life, what have you been meaning to do, there’s never been a better time, things like this can really clear the space you are in.
Keep a gratitude list daily it helps, even for just the small things, I also remind myself that I honour where I am at as I also know theres someone worse off than me and dance within that perspective.
Try to avoid overloading yourself with the news, awareness is fine and get what you need, but it serves in no ways to get obsessed and I said this in my last post but feel its such an important thing for self care and looking after yourself.
These are simply a few ideas, but this is just a message to say I see you, the crazy thing is as a human race we’ve been through many things and have adapted and we will do with this situation too. But it doesn’t distract from what your feeling presently, so honour that cry, be angry, be scared, feel it all but also know healing is possible, and you can shift into this space too.
Feeling better about things is possible too, even if just marginally and is something you have to build on.
What ever you're feeling be kind to yourself and others, we will see many theory’s right now and who’s knows some maybe truths.
All we can do is learn to trust ourselves and our instincts to listen to the inner voice, but don’t let yourself get so lost down a rabbit hole you’ve lost perspective and discernment, and lets face it we actually don’t fully know where this going, so we have to find grace in this uncertainty and as a good friend of mine says this is the time for self sovereignty and standing in our power, so come back to yourself.
Right now we are having to learn to dance in the rain, but this too shall pass.
I am sending huge hugs and good energy to whoever is reading this.
Wrapping this in love and I see you navigating this.
Do share this with anyone if may help, and share your thoughts and feelings with me.
All my love
Hannah xxxxx
Ps if you’re bored there are many podcast episodes on here and blog posts to read so maybe give that a go.