Review your year, and here's how to bring in the magic for 2020....

Review your year, and here's how to bring in the magic for 2020....

As we are coming towards the end the year, as well as it being a busy time it’s also a reflective time.

We can use this reflection in a positive way, to review our year, and you can see what you need to let go of, look at how you felt, and see where you need to go.

I really recommend this, and even more as we are entering into a new decade. See it as a clear up, to tie up loose ends ready to create space and welcome in new things and how you want your year ahead to look.

Here’s my guide to reflecting on your year and the things you can do, maybe set aside some time or if things are very busy do it in parts :

  • To begin with do some journalling of your year, like an over view this will allow you to see what’s happened, ask yourself how it’s felt, be honest with yourself.

  • Make a list of what’s been good, and get clear on why it was good, how did it feel.

  • Make a list of what’s not been so good don’t feel this is negative focus this will allow you to see, where you need to shift. Get honest with yourself how this has felt, be kind to yourself.

  • Make a list of what you need to let go, don’t be afraid with this, often we struggle because it often feels safer to hold onto things.

  • Make a list of forgiveness, forgiveness is key in life its not about pretending its all ok and it doesn’t mean for instance you will be fine with someone, it means you let go of the hold it has on you. Forgiveness is powerful and healing, I really like using ho’oponopono, its an ancient Hawaiian practise on forgiveness, I suggest looking this up and trying it in your life you may be really surprised by the results, and shifts you feel.

  • What have you been grateful for this year make that list, gratitude really aids reflection and makes you feel good, often it reminds us how lucky we are, it can be the smallest of things but getting in to the feeling space of gratitude after letting go really creates a good space for new intentions and bringing manifestations in.

  • Next think about what energy you want to bring in next year how you want to feel and why. This is super important because this can then match your intentions. The why is important, because it allows us to get clear.

  • When it comes to setting goals, manifestations or intentions, makes a range of small and bigger ones. What’s important is the following, don’t think you have to do loads it’s what feels right for you, so lean into that. Things happen more easily when we believe in them. So write the list and as you do it notice how you feel, because if it doesn’t feel possible it could be a case of rewording it or looking at why you feel that. With this list look at your stories surrounding your belief relating to these intentions. Some times changing the wording to I am willing, or wouldn’t it be nice, can make them feel more possible. Play with the words, it’s about remembering when do these process’s and we are following guidance, its about using our discernment if something feels good and if that’s different to what’s suggested, learn to trust yourself with this.

  • Some top tips to end a manifestation / intention list use ‘I ask that this serves my highest good’ and ‘this or something better’. As we all know the life sometimes has other plans for us, and when we are so fixed on a certain outcome, we can often block a good thing that we need, so as you do this process to welcome in the this decade and let go of the, do so with an open mind.

  • I would burn your letting go and forgiveness list and release them, or dispose of them. Keep your gratitude and intention list, and put it aside as something you can come back too, maybe add it to a vision board or box. Though some people may want to dispose of it do what feels good to you.

What’s important with all of this is for you to not compare yourself and your process to another, this will only block you and not serve you in anyway.


Make that a mantra for 2020 and it will serve you greatly!

Enjoy this process, when you make it like a chore it won’t feel good, so maybe do it when you have some time, turn it into a ritual to make it extra magical as this deepens the intention behind something. Even share this process with a friend or friends, as this can make it more fun for some people and you can support each other.

Make it work for you often December feels super busy and people don’t feel they have the time to do something like this, but like all things there’s always a way we can break it down, and carve out sometime, do it in stages like I suggested above if needed.

Check out my Instagram @hannah_wallace11 if you’re on it as I made an IGTV video expanding on all this further.

Happy December, to all who have read this, and share with me your thoughts, feelings and visions for 2020.

All my love

Hannah X

  • Ps Check out my free meditation when you sign up to my email list, it will bring some calm to your December.